Girl names that end in ie

  1. Jaimie
    • Arvie
      • Lynnie
        • Gardie
          • Cornie
            • Alie
              • Valarie
                • Daphnie
                  • Elisie
                    • Mandie
                      • Kattie
                        • Origin:

                          Short form of Katherine, Greek
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Kattie or Katti is an unusual short form of Katherine, more old fashioned than Kate and more unusual than Kathy. Plus there's the "catty" issue.
                      • Eydie
                        • Malie
                          • Mopsie
                            • Origin:

                            • Description:

                              Popular dog name in the 17th century. It would still be cute today—on a dog, that is.
                          • Iphigenie
                            • Ashlie
                              • Caillie
                                • Imonie
                                  • Origin:

                                    Spelling variation of Imani, Swahili
                                  • Meaning:

                                  • Description:

                                    Imani has rested comfortably in the middle off the US popularity list for 30 years now. Spelling it Imonie makes it more rare, but potentially more confusing.
                                • Baylie
                                  • Enjolie