315+ Greek Boy Names (with Meanings)

  1. Takis
    • Kastas
      • Dhimitrios
        • Theodosios
          • Olimpio
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "pertaining to the Mount Olympus of Greek mythology"
            • Description:

              One way to reference mythology without naming your son after a god.
          • Matthaiso
            • Demetrios
              • Lukus
                • Timotheos
                  • Ignatios
                    • Romanos
                      • Kostis
                        • Philomon
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                          • Description:

                            Also written as Philemon, this New Testament character was a recipient of Paul's epistles.
                        • Tygrys
                          • Andonios
                            • Hieronymos
                              • Stephanos
                                • Origin:

                                • Meaning:

                                  "garland, crown"
                                • Description:

                                  The original form of Stephen, a readily importable choice.
                              • Symeon
                                • Heraklees
                                  • Loukas