315+ Greek Boy Names (with Meanings)

  1. Veniamin
    • Samouel
      • Loukas
        • Origin:

          Greek form of Luke
        • Meaning:

          "man from Lucania"
        • Description:

          The original Greek form of Luke, similar to the English Lucas, but with the emphasis on the second syllable. Loukas Notaras was a Byzantine Greek statesman - the last grand Duke of the Byzantine Empire, while a more recent bearer is Czech-Greek footballer, Loukas Vyntra.
      • Constantinos
        • Timun
          • Demetrios
            • Plato
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                The name of one of the greatest Western philosophers is often used as a first name in its land of origin, Greece, and would make a really interesting, thought-provoking choice here. It is remembered here as the nickname of the memorable character played by Sal Mineo in the classic film "Rebel Without a Cause."
            • Timotheos
              • Matthaiso
                • Neander
                  • Origin:

                  • Meaning:

                    "new man"
                  • Description:

                    Following a custom among scholars in Renaissance Germany, Neander is the classical form of the surname Newman. But the bullies at school are sure to call him Neanderthal.
                • Venedict
                  • Homeros
                    • Terentino
                      • Leontios
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          The ancient Leontios, the name of several early saints and a Byzantine empire, may rise again with the pride of lion names so fashionable in Europe, from Leo to Leon to Leonie. The Latinized version is Leontius.
                      • Dimitros
                        • Nikostratos
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                            "army of victory"
                          • Description:

                            A lengthy Olde World route to Nick.
                        • Andonios
                          • Theodosios
                            • Hilarion
                              • Nikasios