315+ Greek Boy Names (with Meanings)

  1. Moisis
    • Claudios
      • Titos
        • Eugen
          • Loucas
            • Alexandros
              • Stamos
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  Has a dark, brooding image, thanks in large part to actor John Stamos.
              • Yeranos
                • Anatolios
                  • Nikasios
                    • Mattathias
                      • Leontios
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          The ancient Leontios, the name of several early saints and a Byzantine empire, may rise again with the pride of lion names so fashionable in Europe, from Leo to Leon to Leonie. The Latinized version is Leontius.
                      • Isiforos
                        • Carolos
                          • Hippolytos
                            • Demitrius
                              • Olympos
                                • Origin:

                                • Meaning:

                                  "from Mount Olympus"
                                • Description:

                                  Mythical, yet limp.
                              • Homeros
                                • Veniamin
                                  • Herakles