6500+ Girl Names That End in E

  1. Ginette
    • Adabelle
      • Firenze
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Used for a male centaur in the Harry Potter books, the Italian city name Firenze (Florence) is actually feminine in Italian.
      • Flame
        • Origin:

          Word name
        • Description:

          Beware: Flame is the kind of name used by women named Fran when engaging in endeavors they'd just as soon their parents weren't aware of.
      • Jonquille
        • Origin:

          French flower name, from Latin
        • Meaning:

      • Lily-rose
        • Ide
          • Ree
            • Ellette
              • Origin:

                Compound name, of Elle and Etta
              • Meaning:

                "little light; Little girl"
              • Description:

                A little like Elliot (or Elliette), Electra, and Etta, Ellette is a zippy but rarely used compound name.
            • Laerke
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Lærke is the Danish equivalent of English name Lark. For those that find the monosyllabic English name too short for such a harmonious bird, Lærke might be a a good option - if you can get passed the confusion of that "æ" spelling.
            • Berenike
              • Lale
                • Origin:

                  Turkish from Persian
                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  Turkish variant of Lale
              • Hélène
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  French form of Helen
              • Annemieke
                • Origin:

                  Dutch variation of Anne-Marie
                • Description:

                  A variation on Anne-Marie, this sweet name deserves the attention of some Anglophone parents. Note that "Mieke" rhymes with "Peak-a" not "Pike-a".
              • Emelie
                • Selphie
                  • Origin:

                    Video game name
                  • Description:

                    Selphie Tilmitt is a character in the popular video game Final Fantasy VIII. An orphan like the other main characters, she's described as upbeat, friendly, and energetic....though she wields a mean nunchuk. Given the name's resemblance to the photo term "selfie," this one is off the table, even for enthusiastic gamers.
                • Tristine
                  • Origin:

                    Feminine variation of Tristan, Celtic
                  • Meaning:

                  • Description:

                    Tristine is an uncommon girls' name that feminizes the mythological Tristan, yet is used for girls much more rarely than the original.
                • Verone
                  • Delle
                    • Elliette
                      • Origin:

                        Variation of Elliot
                      • Description:

                        As Elliot in all its variations becomes more popular for girls, Elliette and other similar kree8if baby names will rise.