Invented Girl Names

  1. Brenlynn
    • Origin:

      American invented name
    • Description:

      Up-and-coming combo of trendy syllables that could work as a modern way to honor a Brenda or Brendan.
  2. Kailynn
    • Shenna
      • Origin:

        Invented name, meaning unknown
      • Description:

        Strange amalgam with little appeal.
    • Icylinn
      • Origin:

        Invented name
      • Description:

        Icylinn Goodman is a Gen-Z social media starlet whose previously one-of-a-kind name appeared on the charts in 2021. Ice-themed names have never been cooler (literally) — that year saw the rise of names such as Icelynn, Icy, and Ice itself.
    • Jamiya
      • Brandall
        • Origin:

          Modern invented name
        • Description:

          Adding that B to Randall transforms a pretty boyish surname choice into a 21st century spin on Brandy.
      • Beltania
        • Origin:

          English invented name
        • Description:

          An invented name inspired by the Irish/Scottish May Day festival of Beltane. And perhaps a modern way to honor a Tania?
      • Rashanda
        • Origin:

          Modern invented name
        • Description:

          One of several creations with the anda ending, this one drawing on the Muslim favorite Rashad.
      • Anylah
        • Lottirie
          • Origin:

            Modern invented name
          • Description:

            The stylish L leads the way on this unusual girls' name.
        • Abbetina
          • Origin:

            Invented name, meaning unknown
          • Description:

            An amalgam of too many diverse elements.
        • Narva
          • Origin:

            Modern invented name
          • Description:

            Though newly created, has a dated feel.
        • Maleni
          • Zeborah
            • Origin:

              Modern invented name
            • Description:

              Zippier Deborah.
          • Rhyan
            • Liquia
              • Origin:

                Invented name
              • Description:

                This aqueous name has been seen on TV as Laverne Fox's character on Weird City.