Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Cathe
    • Catheria
      • Catricia
        • Catriona
          • Origin:

            Scottish form of Katherine, Greek
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            This Katherine variation, used through Ireland and Scotland, is pronounced like Katrina. The name became popular after the Crusaders brought home stories about the colorful fourth century martyr, Catherine of Alexandria. Its later popularity increased following the success of Robert Louis Stevenson's 1893 Catriona, the sequel to Kidnapped.
        • Catrona
          • Cayetana
            • Origin:

              Spanish from Latin
            • Meaning:

              "Person from Gaeta"
            • Description:

              A dramatic-sounding demonym for someone from the city of Gaeta, on the Mediterranean coast of Italy, with roots that stretch back to Ancient Rome, Cayetana is among the Top 100 Spanish baby names. It lends itself well to several sweet nicknames, such as Cay and Ana.
          • Cecylia
            • Cefariana
              • Cefernia
                • Ceira
                  • Celena
                    • Celestena
                      • Celestia
                        • Origin:

                          Variation of Celeste, Latin
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Celestia is a heavenly name that sounds more ethereal than Celeste, Celestia might make a distinctive, feminine choice if your taste runs toward names like Angelina and Seraphina.
                      • Celestyn
                        • Celina
                          • Origin:

                            Greek, French
                          • Meaning:

                            "moon or heavenly"
                          • Description:

                            A light and pretty pan-cultural name which can be considered a variant of either the Greek name Selene or Selena, meaning "moon", or of the French Celine, meaning "heavenly". An attractive choice that is surprisingly rare in the US: out of the Top 1000 since 2006.
                        • Celinde
                          • Celka
                            • Cenaide
                              • Cenerentola
                                • Cenobia