Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Dashona
    • Dasia
      • Dassa
        • Datia
          • Datiya
            • Datya
              • Davesia
                • Daya
                  • Origin:

                  • Meaning:

                  • Description:

                    There is some controversy over the origin and meaning of this name, though most reputable sources define it as a Hindi name meaning kindness or compassion. Also spelled, Daia, other sources say it may mean "joy" or be a Hebrew name with the meaning "bird of prey". It has recently been made familiar through the character of Daya Diaz on Orange is the New Black .
                • Dayana
                  • Origin:

                    Spanish, Kazakh
                  • Meaning:

                    "heavenly, faith"
                  • Description:

                    Dayana is an Hispanic variant of Diana, notably belonging to Venezuelan actress, model and producer Dayana Mendoza. It also belongs to a South American orchid whose name derives from the surname of English botanist John Day. Its use can be partly attributed to the popularity of Diana, the Princess of Wales.
                • Dayanara
                  • Origin:

                    Modern invented name
                  • Description:

                    Former Miss Universe and former Mrs. Marc Anthony, Dayanara Torres has made a more lasting success of her name.
                • Dayna
                  • Deasia
                    • Debara
                      • Debera
                        • Debora
                          • Decia
                            • Decima
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                In the days of huge families, this name of the Roman goddess of prophecy and childbirth, and one of the Fates, would be saved for bambina number ten. Now it might be used for a girl born in October, the tenth month.
                            • Decla
                              • Origin:

                                Irish, feminine variation of Declan
                              • Description:

                                Has an incomplete feeling....
                            • Dedra
                              • Dehlia