Francophile Naming Guide –– Biblical Names for Boys and Girls

  1. Bosor
    • Bunni
      • Bébaï
        • Bélial
          • Bérékia
            • Bérénice
              • Caleb
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "dog; whole heart"
                • Description:

                  Caleb is an attractive Old Testament name that has been in the US Top 100 for nearly three decades now. Consistently popular but never too popular, Caleb feels more like a classic than a momentary trend.
              • Canaan
                • Origin:

                  Biblical place name, Hebrew
                • Meaning:

                  "The Promised Land; humble, low"
                • Description:

                  Pronounced KAY-nan, this Old Testament place name has a strong modern feel that blends in with on-trend choices like Carter, Colton, and Kayson, but also with Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Tobias. Associated in the Bible with "The Promised Land", it is also the name of one of Noah's grandsons.
              • Cyrus
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  Cyrus is one of those surprising names that have always ranked among the Top 1000 boy names in the US. On an upward trend since the mid-90s, Cyrus now sits in that comfortable place between too popular and too unusual.
              • Calach
                • Carcas
                  • Carpus
                    • Carschena
                      • Caïn
                        • Caïphe
                          • Cusch
                            • Cuschan-Rischeathaïm
                              • Céphas
                                  • Claude
                                    • Origin:

                                      French from Latin
                                    • Meaning:

                                      "lame; enclosure"
                                    • Description:

                                      Claude is a soft-spoken French name that conjures up the pastel colors of Monet and harmonies of Debussy. In France, it is used for girls as well, in fact in the Tracy Chevalier novel Lady and the Unicorn, the protagonist is a female Claude.