Francophile Naming Guide -- Curiousities of Medieval France for Girls
- Engelberga
- Ermentrude
- Ermisende
- Ernessinde
- Eustachie
- Felice
Felix is rising in the chart for boys, and its feminine variations are sure to follow. The best knows these days, thanks to the TV character, is Felicity, but there's also Felicia and Felice. Like Lucia, Felice is a name with different pronunciations depending on where it's used. The Italians pronounce it fa-LEECH-ay, but the Americanized version is feh-LEESE.
- Faileube
- Fastrade
- Frédégone
- Fulberte
- Félicité
- Gillette
- Galswinthe
- Gerberge
- Gerletta
- Gisèle
- Gomatrude
- Gondioque
- Graecia
- Guillemette