Francophile Naming Guide -- Breton Names for Boys

  1. Jil
    • Jili
      • Joeva
        • Jova
          • Judicaël
            • Judikael
              • Jugon
                • Juhel
                  • Jukondin
                    • Jungomarc'h
                      • Juvad
                        • Kaou
                          • Kelen
                            • Kilian
                              • Origin:

                                German variation of Cillian, Irish
                              • Meaning:

                                "war strife; church"
                              • Description:

                                This German spelling of the classic Irish Cillian is heard throughout Europe — it's a popular choice in France as well.
                            • Kadeg
                              • Kado
                                • Kadog
                                  • Kadou
                                    • Kaorantin
                                      • Kaourintin