Francophile Naming Guide -- Breton Names for Boys

  1. Iael
    • Iañ
      • If
        • Ifig
          • Iltud
            • Ioañ
              • Iouen
                • Ioun
                  • Ivi
                    • Jagu
                      • Jegu
                        • Jestin
                          • Origin:

                            Welsh variation of Justin
                          • Description:

                            Unusual twist -- but everyone will hear it as Justin -- or jester.
                        • Job
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                          • Description:

                            If you focus on the patience of the biblical Job, rather than his trials, the name becomes more usable. He was, after all, the Old Testament hero of the Book of Job, whose faith was severely tested by God but remained faithful. The name was was used by Puritans and Christian fundamentalists and can be found in the novels of Dickens, George Eliot and Robert Louis Stevenson..
                        • Jud
                          • Origin:

                            Diminutive of Judson, English
                          • Meaning:

                            "son of Jordan"
                          • Description:

                            More commonly spelled JUDD, this is a strong but sensitive short form that can easily stand on its own.
                        • Jakez
                          • Jaoua
                            • Jaouen
                              • Jaoven
                                • Jezekel
                                  • Jikel